Webtoolz Support & Usage Guidelines
We have created this document as a central reference point for licensees, partners and consultants who use the WebToolz software. It covers processes, information and procedures that relate to licenses, upgrading, support and other useful areas.
Please refer to this document before requesting support for your WebToolz system.
Webtoolz Deployment & Maintenance
WebToolz is a module that is deployed on the iMIS staff web site. It needs to be used and updated synchronously with iMIS. It requires files to be copied onto the server in order to function.
Upgrading iMIS
If you are considering upgrading your iMIS to either an unreleased version of iMIS or the very latest general release version of iMIS, please do check with Zengagers (info@zengage.co) regards the functioning of your version in the particular release of iMIS. This site will be updated regularly with the latest release downloads and release notes. You can download the latest version from the Downloadz tab. We will test and release a new version of WebToolz for every GA release of iMIS.
Is Webtoolz Updated Each Time ASI Updates iMIS?
Not necessarily. There will be occasions when there is a delay between the release of a new version of iMIS and a release of the appropriate version of WebToolz.
If you are wanting to install a new copy of iMIS for a new project then clearly you will want to use the most up-to-date copy of iMIS. Please do not choose the iMIS version without first finding out if there is a version of WebToolz that supports that specific iMIS version. We will either advise you to install a slightly older version of iMIS that can support a release version of WebToolz or we will offer you a “beta” version of WebToolz with the caveat that we make no promises about performance and there may be support limitations.
Webtoolz Support
Choosing the right level of support assistance?
When you purchase a license for WebToolz there are a number of options to consider:
Standard Support Subscription
The standard license for WebToolz (any version) includes what we term “subscription support included” (SSI), and is designed to provide a basic level of technical support - what this means is that we will not charge you for telling us about any issues you have with the software, investigating and rectifying software problems that you have and providing general "how to" advice about the product under most circumstances.
- If there is an issue that is caused by an underlying issue that is connected with your iMIS or your specific site infrastructure or configuration.
- If the issue is connected with custom stored procedures, scripts or iMIS or iMIS third party modules such as Task Centre.
- WebToolz relies heavily on the ability to write stored procedures and understand SQL scripting. Support for SQL scripting is specifically excluded from the subscription support included (SSI). We will provide examples for WebToolz controls to give you an idea of how they work, and you are free to use and copy these examples. However, we will not support your writing of the SQL scripts. The SSI support for WebToolz ends at passing the parameters correctly over to the stored procedure, and begins again at the point where the stored procedure is passed back to the WebToolz iPart. The writing, syntax and functioning of the script are outside the domain of regular SSI support.
NOTE - Zengagers are not responsible for the functioning, misfunctioning or data issues caused by the stored procedures. It is the responsibility of the person deploying the stored procedure to check on a test system that it is functioning correctly, before deploying to a live environment. We strongly recommend against writing any stored procedures to the iMIS transaction (Sales Ledger) system as this schema can change upon upgrading iMIS and cause the stored procedures to stop functioning.
The SSI support does not have a priority SLA attached to it. You are welcome to log an issue with us and then follow up on that issue. We will do our best to help you resolve the problem. Please do let us know if you have an important deadline or timescale and we will try to be accommodating.
If a support call is referred to our dev team for processing because we believe that you have found a bug then we will record your original call request in our Trello development database. Where a bug or request is processed by development it is very important that dev fully understand and can see themselves the issue you are reporting. This is so they do not “fix” an issue which is slightly different from that which has been reported. We operate on an “agile” basis in dev so your fix may take a number of weeks to be incorporated in a release and made available as a hot fix.
Webtoolz Advanced Support (Chargeable)
If your requirement for support is at a higher level because the forms that you want to create are more complex or because you want to do something which may not be obvious or because your iMIS infrastructure is more complex or because of the sheer size of your IMIS installation, then there are other options you should consider. The options that we have available are as follows, and we can provide further information and quotes on each of these on request.
- Mentoring
- Prepaid advanced-level support
- Or ad-hoc consultancy
We recognise and fully understand that clients' requirements may vary considerably and often are substantially complicated in nature. There may be some things that you know intuitively software will do and then maybe other things which you think it should do or could do but nobody is quite sure of whether the use of a particular feature on the software is the right way of achieving that end result or whether there may be other ways to achieve the best results within the iMIS family of products. In these cases working with your mentor for a time can be the best approach. With our mentor service we will not actually create and deploy the form system for you, we will advise you or your chosen partner on the best way of achieving the particular goal.
We will work with you until the page is live or until the end of the mentoring or pre-paid support or consultancy period.